Let in the light.
So luminous, vivifying, intense.
So sensual, and so firmly linked to our human existence.

Let in that souvenir of a late night’s dining room, gladly crowded. The warm glow on the wood-paneled walls, the delighted laughter from friends pressed together around a well-set table, gently connecting over a shared meal.

Remember the feeling of coming home late at night, seeing the lights softly flickering from your windows and knowing where you belong.

Recall a bike ride at dawn, going for that early, solitary swim in the glittering sea while the sun silently rises, one golden ribbon at a time.

All the stories of our lives unfold at the pace of light.

It punctuates, points out, is a partner throughout our existence.
It draws the distinctive, discreet lines of shadows. It helps us distinguish dark from bright, cold from warm, night from day. It changes over seasons: The golden rays of an indian summer indolently turning into blue and greyish winter lands, all longing for spring to shiver through under a frail, shimmering sky.

Light affects how we feel, how we rest, how we work, how we love,
how we gather.

It gives perspective to our perception of space, how we experience the physical world. Be it material or emotional. Be it bright, blinding, guiding or dim.

Light is our constant companion, whether we notice it or not. It is what we share, what we all strive for. Without light, no warmth. Without light, no joy.
Without light, we are lost.

Light is the most essential thing of living.
And we are here to celebrate it.