Let in the light.
So luminous, vivifying, intense.
So sensual, and so firmly linked to our human existence.

All the stories of our lives unfold at the pace of light.

Light affects how we feel, how we rest, how we work, how we love, how we gather. It gives perspective to our perception of space, to how we experience the physical world. Be it material or emotional. Be it bright, blinding, guiding or dim.

Light is our constant companion, whether we notice it or not. It is what we share, what we all strive for. Without light, no warmth. Without light, no joy.

Without light, we are lost.

Light is the most essential thing of living. And we are here to celebrate it.

In Celebration of Light

For more than 55 years, we have worked with light and lighting, and that heritage is still our cornerstone.

Under the headline ‘In celebration of light’ our goal is simple: unfold the many functions of good lighting, be it visual, social or sensual, to enrich people’s everyday lives.

Through ambitious collaborations with international designers, our aim is to further explore the interplay between light, material, and form. A lamp might still be a lamp, but we will perpetually push the boundaries of what’s possible, creating lighting solutions both functional and yet aesthetically pleasing.

A Brand With a Backstory

From pendant lights such as the iconic Ball to innovative portable lights such as Grasp, our latest collection represents a new chapter in our illustrious history.

The designs are drawn in a direction that celebrates how light sets a constant tone in our homes and our lives. Upholding the spirit of our esteemed founder, Benny Frandsen, we continue to shape the narrative of contemporary lighting and design and celebrating light in all its forms.